

  • 组装3 - 5件家具


8 x6金属板棚....3 ..... x6框一个烧烤。,,,,,烧烤避难所。

5月8日,2022:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -当我帖子“8 x6金属棚”

5月8日,2022:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -我的意思是8 x6金属脱落,或更少。

5月8日,2022:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -我的意思是8 x6金属脱落,或更少。





就100%透明,我会记下所发生的事情。你从来没有问£400。工作时我说过一个近似的价格订了但没有提供照片的大小工作无法准确估计。我也告诉你,这是一个两人的工作,我有一个大抹本周工作所以我只能为你下周的工作。你尽快的开展工作,所以我给我的同事,你同意。我估计当时£220的工作了2天半完成我的男人。我有联系你的价格是不正确的,我们需要达成一个新的价格不是400£。这是£300。我解释说,我付我的男人每天£150,我不会增加一分钱的工作。你同意。 Than the end of the day called me that you are not happy with the price you have already agreed on. So I said pay the original even to I lose money with it. I have asked that you are satisfied with the job and you said yes. You paid 250£ to my man not 400£. I only asked 220£. Than you contacted me for an other job where again you wanted to set my rates for me which is ridiculous so I didn’t take your job. Than again you contacted me for an other job which I have quoted you in the amount of time I will spend not a fixed price as I already had issues with you paying the fair fee.Again you tried to bargain so I didn’t take your job again. So you left a negative comment for the job you were satisfied with