


  1. 硬地板


典型的日常项目将主要在国内派驻。然而,我们进行各种各样的工作,从说,小杂物间教堂大厅,与部分可以追溯到公元900年。所以至少可以说多种多样。地板上砂光和密封是我们真正的专业。我们还染色层,我将竭尽全力去复制一种颜色,而不只是给你一个选择1或2直接从锡! ! !此时的颜色样本/ s将在地板上,一旦约定,签署的客户进一步的工作开始之前。当然,我们把从拼花地板,实木和复合。我也对室内设计有敏锐眼光,总是会引导客户最好的结果与建议说油漆颜色选择,或房间风格同意使用的风格和颜色的地板。我一开始许多年前,油漆剥离,浸渍的门,室内木制品和家具完成污渍,清漆,蜡和油等。我任职的公司,也是做地板砂光和密封。 When they had an influx of floors they needed an extra body. So I was taken from the workshop, to a flat in Balham. Briefly, I was shown how to use a floor sander and edger and left to get on with the job in hand. This was to sand a bedroom and lounge floor to the required grade and coated twice with wax, and buffed . I completed said job by 8 45 pm. The client was a teacher so I could work late as she wouldn't be home. I was picked up at 9 pm and the job was inspected. In the van on the way home, Phil the boss said to me that they were the best floors they had done, a great compliment if I may say so myself. I was promptly taken from the workshop and put into the flooring side of things. A short while later Phil, split the profit with me on all jobs after materials as an added incentive for me to work hard and fast. I would also do work for one of the other building companies within the building, who were friends with Phil . A lot of this work was in the chain of slug and lettuce public houses. So that is a brief introduction to how I got started in the flooring trade. I stayed for a while and learnt more about the dipping side of things, when in between flooring jobs. I along with Barry, Phils stepson, implemented a new structure for the dipping side of the business to make things more efficient for all concerned at the yard as Phil had let things slip. To his credit he took it on board and let us move things forward. I left a while later and went from job to job painting, decorating, labouring, building work and as a sales rep for a cab firm . Until I went back to my true love of work that is floor sanding, the finishing of floors and all things wood . And set up on my own in 1998. I have a great rapport with all clients many have gone on to become firm friends and repeat clients over the years.



