Keith Winter Property Repairs and Maintainance

hello my name is Keith, I hope I can be of service to you. My aim is help you through your project by advising on what I think would be the best for your needs, but I would be happy to work around your ideas.


  1. Bathroom Fitting
  2. Plumbing
  3. Restoration & Refurbishment
  4. Tiling
  5. Plastering

About Keith Winter Property Repairs and Maintainance

I have 30 years experience in all aspects of the building trade. From renovating old red brick cottages to our recent barn conversion; an old farm house,which includes kitchen fitting, bathroom renewal, new windows in conservatory and installed a new heating system.

We have experience in oil central heating systems, solid fuel chimneys, complete systems or just radiator add ons or renewal,etc.

I have just completed our 3 bed holiday cottage renovation, an old two storey stone barn.



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