Roofing, window glazing, driveway, paint, plumbing, plastering, fencing , guttering and repairing


  1. Windows & Doors (uPVC & Metal)
  2. Fencing
  3. Pitched Roofing
  4. Driveways (Paved & Loose Surface)

About N K N

N K N Constructions Ltd. had started their own work that’s why we don't have enough feedback. But our engineers have more decades of work experience in building field which includes Windows and door, fencing, roofing, driveway, guttering, plastering, skimming, painting , extension, plumbing and so on. N K N’s engineers are not leaving job in between and even after finishing the job they left when the customers are satisfied and also they are providing the better advice in which the things will be sorted in effective and affordable prices.