Complete home services

A local business that deals mainly in domestic work including general plastering and tiling, painting and handyman work and with over 6 years of experience in working with customers and completing jobs with extensive knowledge in property maintenance and having various tradesmen on hand to complete larger projects we can handle most of not all jobs to exacting standards.


  1. Plastering
  2. Painting & Decorating
  3. Restoration & Refurbishment
  4. Insulation
  5. Handyman
  6. Garden Maintenance

About Complete home services

Plastering and tiling
Property maintenance
Bathroom and kitchen removal
General handyman work
Flat pack furniture assembly
Prep work for painting and decorating
Loft insulation


Public Liability Insurance

Limit of indemnity:£2,000,000.00
Valid until:14th Oct 2022

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