D J Tiling

Hi, My name is Derek and I have been a bathroom and kitchen fitter for over 24 years. I am fully experienced in all aspects of plumbing, carpentry, floor and wall tiling and I have built up a good reputation for the quality of my work. I am very reliable, clean working, pleasant and a non smoker


  1. Bathroom Fitting
  2. Kitchen Fitting
  3. Tiling
  4. Carpentry
  5. Hard Flooring
  6. Handyman
  7. Central Heating
  8. Decking
  9. Demolition

About D J Tiling

My work combines both property developers and private customers. Typically, I am installing kitchens and bathrooms but I also get involved in larger projects such as car showrooms and swimming pools. I am happy to supply all materials if asked and offer a estimation service. Basically, no job is too small or too large and I am confident that my workmanship is of a high enough standard to please my clients


NVQ level 2 in tiling

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