Lockfit - Bridgend

Friendly Local Locksmith, Lockfit Locksmiths Bridgend are a reliable and experienced locksmith service and we are proud to be known as the “fastest locksmith in Bridgend” by anyone that uses our services.


  1. Locksmiths
  2. Windows & Doors (uPVC & Metal)

About Lockfit - Bridgend

Whatever your Locksmith job, big or small:

From gaining entry to fixing & fitting new locks, we get the job done quickly and precisely

✓ Emergency call outs
✓ Non destructive Entry
✓ uPVC door locks
✓ Sash Jammers
✓ New locks
✓ Window locks
✓ Lost / snapped keys
✓ Antisnap locks
✓ Locks repaired
✓ New mechanisms
✓ Free security advice
✓ Window boarding

No call out fee – if we cannot open your lock or fix your lock problem there will be absolutely no charge.

You will be given a fixed price when you call and there will be no extras (unless for example your lock is substantially different than the one you describe for any reason) – we do not charge VAT unlike 90% of our competitors who will add it on top only once they arrive and ask for payment.

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