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Insulation Questions

Our insulation experts have kindly agreed to share their wisdom on such topics as cold floors, roof and loft insulation, garage conversions, ventilation and air flow, soundproofing, condensation problems, damp, period properties, tips and best practice and much more.

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657 Insulation questions

No access roof spaces

It is a pitched roof but looking from outside there doesn't appear to be a great deal of space between internal ceiling ( which also slopes) and the external roof...

Single skin porch, how to insulate?

Hi, the porch at the front of the house is of single skin build, as expected it does bring in unnecessarily cold towards the house even if the second main door protects this , what is the best recommend solution for this?
Worth noting that as its small already (exposed brickwork from inside) I don't really want to lose more small from the inside, avoiding a cramped feeling
We rendered the outside a few years ago with canterbury pebbledash, so its mainly the inside that needs to be done
Suggestions welcome

What is the best way to insulate my 8x8 summerhouse?

I've been searching online for the best advice on how to insulate my 8x8 summerhouse, and it all seams to be conflicting.

So far I've decided its best to friction fit celotex boards between the batons on the walls and and ceiling (leaving a gap), and lay them directly on the floor then, then board over the whole lot with 12mm ply.


Do i need to leave a gap between the celotex and the walls/ceiling?

Is it okay to lay celotex directly on the floor and then board on top of that?

It is likely I am only going to use the summerhouse for doing a bit of work at my desk and playing the drums in.



No quote for additional work then carried out

We had some builders remove our plasterboard in the ceiling. They said they could also remove the loft fibre glass to my parnter while I was at work, she agreed without getting a quote and they carried out the work.

My parnter asked for a quote 3 times but they kept saying they will get back to her and they had to get 2 additional people to do the job.

1. What are my options at this point if they overcharge ?
2. What is a typical cost for this if the plasterboard is down already? (It's a 4 bed detatched house.)

missing boarding in loft

I am buying a terraced house and it seems the neighbours have removed part of the boarding between the two lofts (I have a photo). They were doing a loft conversion but have stopped. They have done this without permission leaving a section open to the empty house next door. Is this simply a case of replacing the boarding to separate the 2 properties?

Cold bathroom above new garage extension

We had a new extension built and the bathroom above the garage is always cold, a good few degrees lower than the rest of upstairs! The radiator BTU was sufficient for the size of the room!
The bathroom is to all regs so insulated all round
What more can I do?

Insulating over Loft boards

The attic in my home is already boarded (some kind of tongue and groove chipboard that is securely fixed, I've tried to lift it but can't). There is approx 75-100mm insulation under the boards. My house is really cold in the winter so I've decided to upgrade insulation radiators etc but starting with the attic. As I'm really struggling to get the boards up on my own, is it possible to lay 200mm insulation over the boards?? Do the boards themselves have any insulating properties? Any replies would be appreciated. I'm not sure if this relevant but there doesn't seem to be any condensation in the attic on cold days, but the bedroom windows get quite bad on the floor underneath the attic. Thank you

Insulating single skin brick wall from inside


We’re converting some little out buildings into a utility ,single skin brick work,and want to insulate and plaster ,was going to use cls,kingspan and then plasterboard bit want to do it right,should we put membrane against the brick and then should there be an air gap please? Any and all info much appreciated-novice level -treat me like an idiot :)

Should I insulate the thinner (and colder!) areas of wall under windows in a sandstone house?

Evening All,

I have recently moved to a house with solid sandstone walls (c. 1860) that are about two foot thick in most of the house but only 6-12" in the section below the windows, not entirely sure why but all the rooms have a little 'mini-bay' below the glazing which is extremely cold, even in comparison to the cool walls throughout. I am wondering whether I should consider insulating these areas and then boarding over/boxing in? Would that be worthwhile or, unless I was solid wall insulating the entire house, would that be a 'deckchairs on the Titanic' situation? If worthwhile, is there a particular method/type of insulation I should be looking to get spec'd? Currently solid sandstone is clad with what I presume is a single layer of painted tonge and groove boards with nothing in between at all. Any ideas most welcome! All the best, Sandy

Can you retrofit Kingspan insulated plasterboard over existing plasterboard?

We have a desperately cold rural 4 bed detached house. It was built in 1985 and has cavity wall insulation. The living room is large and has 3 external Walls. the room has double glazing, 2 radiators and a large log burner but still slow to get the room up to a comfortable temperature in the winter. In fact the room is cold almost all year and this is becoming miserable. Have considered thermal lining paper on the longest, coldest wall but would prefer something more heavy duty. Can we retrofit Kingspan? Would we have to remove existing plasterboard and then fit it? We are not concerned about losing up to 100mm off the room dimension, just want to be warm! Would thermal bridging be a problem if Kingspan is fitted to just one wall (no windows or doors in the wall)? Any advice gladly received.

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